Category Archives: Top Stories

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Profiles in IT: Jackie Wolf—User experience advocate

Jackie Wolf is a web project manager and an user experience specialist for Michigan Medicine Department of Communication. Primarily she and her team build and support websites for Michigan Medicine. She also ensures that the web technology is robust, flexible, accessible, and secure. Collectively, the team gathers data to look for lessons about how frequently the content is… Read More »

Tech Shop launches new ecommerce website

Tech Shop, the U-M campus technology store formerly known as Computer Showcase, successfully launched a new point-of-sale system and ecommerce website on Tuesday, June 30, 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic interrupted previously announced plans to unveil the new service name in conjunction with the grand opening of a re-designed Michigan Union store. Despite that delay, development on behind-the-scenes systems… Read More »

Success with ServiceNow: HITS manages spike in incidents during pandemic

Facing a surge in requests for help, HITS used new tools, streamlined processes, and called on volunteers to keep Michigan Medicine working. Because of the shift to remote work due to COVID-19, HITS experienced a significant surge in requests for help. Help Me Now locations were closed to ensure worker safety, phone wait times increased substantially, and there… Read More »

Innovative monitoring technology predicts patient emergencies before they happen

From the fight against the novel coronavirus to ICU transfer and patient rehabilitation, the Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC) is developing intelligent prediction software to support health systems. Technology is transforming every corner of the health care industry, including the way clinicians monitor patients. Current systems have demonstrated that early detection of patient deterioration… Read More »

Say hello to Dropbox

Information and Technology Services (ITS) recently announced an agreement to offer Dropbox, a cloud file storage option that provides automatic back-up and is readily accessible from any device, to all faculty, staff and students on the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses as well as Michigan Medicine. U-M’s agreement with Dropbox includes a Business Associate Agreement (BAA), which… Read More »

Virtual senior center helps older adults in Detroit connect while social distancing

Gloria Moroshan has been in quarantine since March. Her few social interactions have been when her 4-year-old great grandson calls during his lunch breaks or by waving at neighbors when the weather is good enough to sit on the porch. So the octogenarian, who is visually impaired and does not know how to work a computer, takes every… Read More »

Setting the course for dental students: Major technology deployment

As with most schools, the U-M School of Dentistry converted to online learning on March 16, 2020.  While this was an abrupt and unplanned change, the Dental Informatics team at the school helped convert more than 70 classes to an all-online format for dental and dental hygiene students, adopting new software programs and transforming the learning process. Perhaps… Read More »

Message from the VPIT-CIO

By | June 4, 2020

Our community is experiencing extreme challenges, and our Black sisters and brothers are dealing with centuries of racism and hurt that are playing out before our very eyes. I know all of us feel angry, hurt, scared, and tired of reading and watching these types of horrific events repeat every day. These acts underscore the importance of our efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of life. It challenges me and all of us to do what is right, and not to wait to make changes.

‘How can we help?’ HITS steps up services and support during the pandemic

Fast. Efficient. Innovative. Responsive. All describe how Health Information Technology & Services (HITS) worked behind the scenes to make the immediate and necessary adjustments to accommodate the COVID-19 outbreak. HITS instantly sprang into action to answer the call – literally. The Service Desk received nearly 16,600 calls and 4,000 chat requests between March 15-31, doubling their typical volume. Staff worked… Read More »

Detroit Center offers virtual event planning services

Instead of canceling your upcoming event, let the U-M Detroit Center (UMDC) help you transition to hosting online. This service helps those looking pivot to digitally hosting events in this new and changing landscape. UMDC offers a range of options, from consultations to running technology during the event itself. Features and benefits of these virtual event planning services include. A consultation to help determine the best… Read More »

UM-Dearborn grade change process goes electronic

With COVID-19 and working from home upon the university community, leadership at UM-Dearborn identified the need to move the paper-based process for grade corrections known as Grade Change into an electronic format. There was an additional pressure: the “busy season” for grade changes was just a few weeks away. Salesforce was chosen as the solution—it was already in use,… Read More »

Expanded access to LinkedIn Learning at U-M

LinkedIn Learning is a leading online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.  Information and Technology Services (ITS) and Organizational Learning (OL) have partnered to provide increased access to LinkedIn Learning for students, staff (including temporary workers), and faculty.  “This is an incredibly valuable and strategic tool… Read More »

Tips for building engaging virtual conferences

As more and more events go to a virtual platform, “virtual event fatigue” is also on the rise. Many groups have been either canceling or finding creative ways to deal with the burnout. One alternative conference getting a lot of attention right now Deserted Island DevOps. It’s using the popular video game called Animal Crossing to engage participants.… Read More »

Profiles in IT: Kara Thomas—Active listening advocate

MiWorkspace desktop support specialist associate, Kara Thomas, provides IT support at the Fleming Building to some of the highest-ranking officials at the university. She does it with aplomb and an eye toward mental health well-being. She is active with the ITS and Fleming Building DEI teams, and interested in overall health and general well being.  Tell us about… Read More »

LSA Technology Services shines in the midst of pandemic prep

Technology professionals do their best every day to deliver reliable and innovative services to faculty, students, and staff. Sometimes they work on their own, sometimes as a team, and often in collaboration with other campus IT units. The LSA Technology Services team rose to new heights in response to changes in the last half of March, from the… Read More »

Working remotely at Ross: A school mobilizes in response to a pandemic

By | April 21, 2020

Like so many across campus, including the Ross School of Business, the priority was the safety and well-being of their faculty, students, and staff, followed by their academic mission. Using those principles as a guide, the Ross IT team sprang into action to ensure that their community had the tools they needed to successfully continue teaching and learning. … Read More »