Author Archives: Mona Beydoun, ITS Communications
A cautious approach to tech innovation
ITS, Dentistry collaborate to upgrade EHR system
Dissonance events explore tech-based policy and legal subjects
Technology changes at an ever-increasing rate, almost always outstripping policy, privacy, security, and legal considerations. ITS Information Assurance (IA) collaborates with faculty, researchers, students, and external industry experts to create a forum, Dissonance, for public discourse on the tensions surrounding technology, policy, privacy, security, and law.
Teach-out explores intersection of art and tech via Instagram
U-M prof studies GitHub’s security issue disclosure process
Atul Prakash, an electrical engineering and computer science professor, is part of a research team studying the process GitHub has in place for disclosing security issues. The team’s research culminated in a list of recommendations to help GitHub develop a standardized method to report security vulnerabilities.