Mona Beydoun, ITS Communications

Mona is an intern at U-M ITS. Contact her at or on LinkedIn.

Temporary social profiles may help adults vet feedback on sensitive topics

Temporary social profiles are being used for more than just online scams and disinformation. Tawfiq Ammari, a PhD candidate in the School of Information, says these “throwaway” accounts might help adults collect helpful comments and feedback on “socially stigmatizing” topics such as divorce, postpartum depression, and mental health.

Computer science classes may have positive social effects

Researchers from U-M, Cornell University, and the Nairobi Play project studied the social and cultural effects of computer science classes. The researchers found that computer science classes can encourage children to work together overcome cultural barriers. Kentaro Toyama, a professor in the School of Information, was part of the team. The researchers interviewed and observed children from a… Read More »

Sisterhood, empowerment, and tech: U-M hosts inaugural GET-IT event

Three hundred high school girls from southeast Michigan visited the University of Michigan for the inaugural Get-IT summit on Tuesday, October 1, at the Michigan League. The event gave female students the opportunity to connect with other women and girls who have an interest in the tech industry.

Michigan Medicine researchers make sleep trackers more effective

Michigan Medicine researchers have developed an algorithm to be used with consumer sleep trackers. The algorithm, built by post-doctoral research fellow in neurology Olivia Walch, outperforms expensive medical trackers. The University of Michigan algorithm could be used on consumer wearable devices in the future and would be a more transparent, scientifically rigorous tool.

Colleges need to focus on societal impact of new tech

In a recent article in “The Chronicle of Higher Education”, Shobita Parthasarathy, professor at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, called on colleges to teach future scientists, engineers, and policy makers, to think critically about the societal impact of new technologies. “Colleges must train the next generation of scientists, engineers, and policy makers to think more… Read More »

Center of Academic Innovation investing in Extended Reality technology

The Center of Academic Innovation is leading the University’s investment into Extended Reality, XR, technology. Over the next three years, departments will integrate XR into the residential and online experiences of students, faculty, and community members alike. XR a catch-all term for computer-generated environments and interactions including augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality. This technology is already… Read More »

RideAlongs offer insights into ITS’s laser focus on service excellence

The Service Center (SC) RideAlong program started May 2018 and has since hosted almost 40 ITS staff members. Each four-hour ride along shift pairs a SC staff member with an ITS staffer who works outside of the center. The program builds awareness and appreciation among ITS staff members for the quality of the Service Center’s work. These experiences… Read More »

Great Lakes HPC cluster available for general access

Information and Technology Services is happy to announce that ARC-TS is rolling out the Great Lakes high-performance computing cluster. It is now available for general access to the university community. Until the migration from Flux is complete on November 25, 2019, there will be no charge for using the Great Lakes HPC cluster. Every current Flux user can… Read More »

Inaugural MIDAS Michigan Data Science Fellows cohort announced

The Michigan Institute of Data Science (MIDAS) announced its inagural cohort of seven Michigan Data Science Fellows. The international group of data scientists will bring data science methods to domain sciences and data science application areas. The two-year program offers each data scientist, recent PhDs, the opportunity to work independently on research with scientific and career guidance from… Read More »