Tag Archives: Safe Computing
Be proactive and prepared for ransomware
Write emails that don’t look phishy
People are rightfully suspicious of unsolicited email, but that can sometimes cause them to ignore or delete your legitimate university communications. In order to not appear phishy, focus on helping recipients verify the legitimacy of your U-M emails so they know they are safe to open. Tips are available on the Safe Computing website.
Fending off cyberattacks at U-M together
Use the new Safe Computing Curriculum in your unit
As U-M employees and community members, we all share in the responsibility to help protect U-M IT systems and data. But how do you do that? ITS Information Assurance has developed a Safe Computing Curriculum that offers IT security and privacy/confidentiality best practices to help safeguard the university’s digital assets.
New Video: IT Security—Our Shared Responsibility
IT security is a shared responsibility and we all need to do our part. Check out this new video to learn about your shared responsibility to protect U-M computing resources and data: IT Security—Our Shared Responsibility (2:07) As part of the U-M community, you’re provided with access to a wide variety of computing resources—and sometimes to very sensitive… Read More »