MRequest (FootPrints), a web-based service for the tracking and management of customer support, is on track to retire in about one month. As of November 2, over 94 percent of all workspaces have been retired or deactivated, and the majority of remaining units will complete migrations by November 15.
The remaining key dates in the retirement schedule are:
- Dec. 17 – All remaining MRequest workspaces will be marked as ‘read-only.’
- June 2022 – MRequest infrastructure will be decommissioned and the service will be shut down, and control of the archived information will be transferred from ITS to units.
Many thanks to all MRequest (FootPrints) users who have already retired or deactivated their workspaces and to the units that have been working diligently and thoughtfully to migrate their data to other tools.
Additional details are available on the MRequest (FootPrints) retirement project site, including the timeline, FAQ, and other key information. The MRequest (FootPrints) Retirement project team is available to answer questions, mrequest-retirement-team@umich.edu.