We all know that two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to computer systems, applications, networks, and servers. It combines something you know, like a password or PIN, and something you have, like your 2FA token (either a physical item or a smartphone app).
Well, if two-factor is good, then three-factor must be better!
U-M has announced a plan to pilot Trio, a three-factor authentication (3FA) system. 3FA keeps the previous two factors—something you know and something you have—and adds a third factor: something you do.

MC Clap Yo Handz!
Trio’s implementation can include dance dance authentication (DDA) like StackOverflow previously implemented, as well as additional authentication options like moving your eyes in a specific direction, singing a specific song, or clapping your hands in a specific pattern.
April Dido, CEO of Trio Security, says, “Our customers are under attack all day, every day. I mean, Every. Damn. Day. Trio will absolutely help your IT staff sleep at night knowing they are safe from cyberattacks. And who doesn’t love clapping their hands to the tune of ‘BINGO’?”
If the 3FA pilot is successful, plans to roll it out university wide will begin in the fall 2021 semester. Learn more by visiting the project planning website.