Upcoming teach-outs address how tech affects our lives

By | June 23, 2017


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Two of the four new teach-outs scheduled for August and September will focus on technological advances that have changed the way we live:

  • The evolution of the Internet and impact on our lives and society.
  • Privacy and identity in a Big Data era.

President Mark Schlissel launched the series in March as part of an Academic Innovation Initiative. The first four teach-outs took place from March to May, and reached several thousand learners from 130 countries. The learning opportunities are modeled after the historic U-M teach-ins, which started in 1965 in response to military action in Vietnam. Instead of protesting, faculty brought together experts for a marathon educational event on campus. Enrollment information will be posted at ai.umich.edu/teach-out/. Email questions to academicinnovation@umich.edu.