The Unit IT Steering Committee recently adopted a new charter and began meeting under a new name—the Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC). The revised charter incorporates the group’s experience and growth, as well as how the larger U-M technology environment has evolved over time.
Originally formed eight years ago to provide strategic direction for NextGen Michigan, the new charter formalizes the strategic role the group provides to the vice president of IT and chief information officer. The charter also establishes STAC’s responsibility in shaping the strategic direction for technology across U-M by recommending future direction, services, and projects, while also facilitating collaboration across all four campuses.
“The new structure is diverse and inclusive, and will allow us to better advise Ravi Pendse and ITS, as well as continue to shape the future of IT for U-M.”
Kerry Flynn, STAC chair and CIO, Ross School of Business
“I’m excited about the way we’ve restructured the committee,” said Kerry Flynn, STAC chair and chief information officer at the Ross School of Business. “The new structure is diverse and inclusive, and will allow us to better advise Ravi and ITS as well as continue to shape the future of IT for the University of Michigan.”
After serving as chair for three years, Dan Maletta, executive director of information technology at the College of Engineering, passed the chair leadership position to vice chair Kerry Flynn. Regis Vogel, senior director of Development Services and Strategic Solutions (DS3) at the Office of University Development, was elected the new vice chair. Officer positions are held for a one-year term, with the vice chair assuming the role of the chair when the new vice chair is appointed.
The membership, which already included the Ann Arbor and Michigan Medicine campuses, was expanded to include representatives from Flint and Dearborn. The group will meet according to a predefined schedule that periodically engages the VPIT-CIO, U-M Unit IT leadership, leadership from ITS and HITS, and other key stakeholders.
For more information, see the new STAC Charter on the VPIT-CIO site detailing the changes, and the new committee membership list.