Tell us about your role.
I am a desktop support specialist on the Operations team at ITS-Dearborn. I support all administrative departments at UM-Dearborn. Admin departments are any departments that are not associated with a college, and these units include the Chancellor’s Office, Athletics, and the Department of Public Safety, etc. It’s a fun job because I get to work with a wide range of people who are all cool and have different needs. I also run events like virtual town halls. I am in the background doing everything from setting up to making sure things are running smoothly to moderating.
What is something that you’re proud of in your work?
I’m proud of working my way up. I started as a lab proctor when I was a student at UM-Dearborn. I then moved to the Service Center to focus on Tier-1 troubleshooting. I was promoted to the Service Center Fulltime team for Tier-1.5 service. After that, I was promoted to the Operations team, where I have been full-time for almost three years.
I am also very proud of my customer service skills. Most people have a good experience with me, and my manager hears praise from users. I genuinely enjoy helping people, and I’m pleased that I get to do that.
What motivates you?
I really love getting to help someone to solve a problem. I have a wide range of people to support, and I enjoy getting to learn more as I do my job. It’s very motivating–I really want to grow my skills so I can help more people.
What advice would you give to someone getting started in your field?
Keep an open mind. I did not expect to be in my current job. Be prepared to learn. Never stop learning. If there’s an opportunity for you to gain knowledge, take it. Cultivate a sense of trust with those you’re helping. Make people feel comfortable while you’re helping them. I learned from grandfather to be compassionate and understanding so that people want to talk to me so that I can help them with their problems. He’s my favorite person and I love that he’s my mentor.
How have you been involved with Michigan IT?
I have volunteered for Hacks with Friends running the Zoom meeting for online participants as well as the in-person audiovisual aspects. I helped with the audiovisual at last year’s Michigan IT Symposium. Volunteering at both these events gave me the opportunity to meet and collaborate with people in IT that I would have never met and exposed me to some interesting ideas and concepts. I really got to see my Michigan IT colleagues shine.
What do you do for fun?
I love playing games like Animal Crossing and Pikmin. Even though I am not great at video games in general, I like connecting with my nieces and nephews as we try them together. I enjoy diamond painting, which entails sticking beads (diamonds) on to a pre-glued color coordinated canvas. I’m not artistic enough to paint, but this I can do and they look amazing! I love to crochet amigurumi figures (grim reapers, sea creatures, plants, etc.), sweaters, blankets, hats and scarves. I’m working on a blanket with big fluffy yarn and a dinosaur for my sister. I’m learning to knit. My first project is a hat, that’s really just a tube at this point.