Tony Luckett, LEO lecturer IV, Journalism and Media Production, director of Humanities and History Internship Program, UM-Dearborn, was awarded the 2022 Adobe Creative Campus Faculty Fellow Certificate.
Here’s what Luckett had to say about the Adobe Faculty Development Institute:
“I found the Adobe Creative Campus training extremely helpful. I am now using the tools that I learned from the sessions for several of my courses this fall. In my Internship Seminar, one of the assignments is developing portfolios that students can present to future hiring managers. Adobe Portfolio and Adobe Express are wonderful for creating websites that feature students’ resumes and work samples.
“I also attended a special session on how to use Adobe Express to develop digital research papers. This is now an assignment that I have incorporated into my curriculum for my Film and Society and Black Cinema courses. For my personal use, I have gained a greater understanding of Adobe Audition for creating podcasts, and Adobe Premier and Adobe Rush for editing videos.”

As an Adobe Creative Campus, the University of Michigan was afforded an opportunity to participate in an exclusive Faculty Development Institute (FDI) workshop. FDI is an on-going program to help promote student digital literacy across the curriculum. Twenty-five faculty and staff participated in the program with 10 going on to complete all of the requirements to earn an Adobe Creative Campus, Faculty Fellow certification.
The goals of FDI and the Adobe Creative Campus educational workshops are to support faculty and academic leaders to transform teaching and learning as well as to promote student success. The program fosters engaged student experiences that develop digital literacy and connect the curriculum with careers. FDI walks instructors through transdisciplinary lesson plans and assignment prompts that leverage the power of Creative Cloud to promote in-demand workplace skills, including: creative problem solving, multimodal communication, digital agility, and collaboration. Participants take away a digital teaching portfolio.
Check out Luckett’s digital teaching portfolio.
According to a recent EDUCAUSE report, digital literacy is a top priority for higher education because it helps students become active content creators who are prepared for success in the modern workplace. Adobe has hundreds of higher education resources, but here are four that are most relevant to FDI experience:
- Adobe Creative Cloud across the Curriculum: A Guide for Students and Teachers (by Todd Taylor) is an open education resource (OER) eTextbook that is intended for novice teachers and students to get started with academic, digital storytelling at any level and in any degree program.
- Adobe Creative Campus Faculty Development Institute homepage is the hub and archive for asynchronous versions of the workshops you experienced during the institute.
- “Improving Student Outcomes: Quantifying the Impact of Creative Skills on College and Career” is a blog post that provides an overview of studies done with Civitas Learning and LinkedIn to measure the impact of integrating Creative Cloud across the curriculum. Included in the blog post is a link to download the Civitas and LinkedIn reports.
- Cultivating Digital Literacy is a one-hour viewing experience in Adobe Education Exchange that defines digital literacy and discusses approaches to teaching it. After viewing, you can complete a short exercise to earn a badge.
Digital literacy is important to establishing a professional presence and navigating in the 21st century. U-M Information Technology Services (ITS) offers an array of digital technologies, tools, and training to support digital literacy for faculty, staff, and students at no cost. For more information contact Keila Walton, keilaw@umich.edu.