We are excited to announce the creation of the Technology Leadership Community of Practice (CoP)! This new group offers those within the U-M technology community an opportunity to come together with others interested in leadership development, skill advancement, and next practices.
The new CoP will create an environment that seeks to discuss, shape, and guide each other through collaboration and leadership. It is open to all technology professionals from the academic and medical campuses.
The CoP took shape from the University of Michigan cohort for the Big Ten Academic Alliance 2020 MOR Leaders. Participants were so motivated by their experience that they decided to create a different opportunity for technology professionals to come together. The group members worked together to create the CoP, and developed the opportunity to bring technology professionals together to carry on the Michigan IT Communities of Practice objective.
Group members Jean Arnold (LSA), Mark Bacon (LSA), Melissa Blom (Health System), Elizabeth Johnson (Health System), Dan Kugler (College of Engineering), Laura Shelp (LSA), and Cheryl Sobkow (Ross School of Business) are excited to have this opportunity to launch this CoP. They are looking forward to working with others across the university in support of it.
If you are interested in joining the CoP, add yourself to the Technology Leadership CoP MCommunity group. Join the kickoff meeting on Thursday, June 17, 2021, from 3-4 p.m. You will receive additional and future meeting information from the CoP through membership in the group.
For questions regarding the Technology Leadership Community of Practice or how to join, please email techleadership-cop-requests@umich.edu.
To learn more about Michigan IT communities of practice, visit the Community of Practice Directory.
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