Svetla Sytch, assistant director of privacy and IT policy, described some of ITS Information Assurance’s privacy engagement efforts in a January 28 EDUCAUSE Review blog post: Data Privacy Day 2021 Outreach: Six Words about Privacy.
In the blog post, Sytch explained that Six Words About Privacy at U-M came about through conversations with the chief information security officers at U-M and the University of California, San Diego. It was inspired by the Race Card Project, which invited people from all walks of life to say—in six words—what “race” means to them. Six Words About Privacy invites people to share their thoughts about privacy in six words.
Sytch analyzed all the submissions received so far, looking for themes. “Of the almost 250 words, 14% refer to the notion of having control and being able to make choices when it comes to privacy,” she wrote. “The second most popular theme, with 12% of the words, involves freedom, autonomy, and self-determination.”
After you check out the blog post, consider visiting Six Words About Privacy on Safe Computing. Share your six words, read what others have submitted, and see the word cloud illustrating what others think about privacy.