The Strategic Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) is expanding from 16 to roughly 50 members to represent voices from all units across campus to create a place for IT community members to come together, share information, and collaborate.
STAC, previously known as the Unit IT Steering Committee, was formed nine years ago. Since then, its objectives have remained the same: it shapes the direction of U-M’s technology services and projects by offering strategic advice to the Vice President for Information Technology and CIO and sharing information and best practices across the U-M IT leadership community.
“U-M is such a diverse and decentralized environment that it only makes sense to expand the membership to include the campus IT leaders,” said Kerry Flynn, STAC chair and chief information officer at the Ross School of Business. “We have structured the meetings to alternate between the bimonthly STAC-Core group and a bi-monthly with the entire membership. In addition to advising the VPIT-CIO, our goal is to provide consistent communication and a forum for addressing pressing issues. It is our first year with the new committee structure, and I am very excited to be a part of the evolution.”
STAC has now expanded its membership to add more than 30 IT leaders representing all of the campuses, including:
- One member for each unit on campus, both academic and administrative.
- The Vice President for Information Technology and CIO and all direct reports.
- A small number of other appropriate individuals as voted on by STAC-Core.
Due to the expanding membership of STAC, the advisory group, IT Commons, has been retired. Formed nearly a decade ago, IT Commons has played an important advising role for STAC to ensure the effective alliance between the U-M IT community and U-M IT governance. It consisted of IT decision-makers from units, schools, and colleges providing a collective IT perspective in support of U-M’s academic mission. The majority of the members have been invited to join STAC.
For more information, see the STAC website, which includes the committee charter, the membership list, and the meetings schedule, agendas and minutes.