Police brutality in America: Teach-Out encourages learners to get informed, involved

By | July 9, 2020
(Image courtesy Center for Academic Innovation)

As Black Lives Matter protests continue throughout the nation and deadly run-ins with police repeatedly make headlines, the University of Michigan explores the topic with a “Police Brutality in America Teach-Out.”

Online now, the self-guided learning event on Coursera explores the history of policing in the United States and the legacy of mistrust between police and minority communities. For the rest of the month, numerous experts will engage learners in conversations about the Black Lives Matter movement and what is meant by the calls to #DefundThePolice.

“Our format is really a call-to-action,” said Ryan Henyard, faculty experience designer at the Center for Academic Innovation, explaining that participants will be encouraged to engage with the content, submit questions to the experts, and join in conversations on social media and in their own communities.

More information: Police Brutality in America Teach-Out | Michigan Online