Michigan IT helps faculty to “Keep Teaching @ U-M” during COVID-19 response

In a matter of days, the coronavirus forced everything to change at the University of Michigan. To promote public safety and to “flatten the curve,” the university determined all courses needed to move online for the remainder of the semester, and faculty had two working days to make that happen. 

The response from faculty, students, and staff was emblematic of what U-M is all about—coming together to address grand challenges and promote world-class learning no matter the situation. The university quickly deployed “Keep Teaching @ U-M” to help faculty transition to teaching remotely.

Building the site and creating resources was a joint effort of the Center of Academic Innovation, Center for Research on Learning & Teaching, and Information and Technology Services. Each unit leveraged the skills and talents of its employees to provide the best resources available to transition to remote teaching and keep students engaged.  

Daily virtual office hours are also being offered to faculty by all three units to answer any questions from faculty. The website provides essential resources, including ITS’s Remote Resource Guide with additional information found on using technology such as Zoom, BlueJeans, Canvas. There is also information on accessibility needs, and more. ITS staff members are also offering virtual office hours daily from noon to 1 p.m. 

CRLT and AI staff authored additional resources for students, including a student study guide, how to collaborate effectively, and a guide for faculty to teach remotely in an emergency situation. Both units are hosting office hours from 9-11 a.m. daily. 

After launching on March 11, more than 7,000 users accessed the Keep Teaching site. Additionally, more than 130 faculty visited in-person office hours offered in the days after the transition, and more are attending the virtual office hours offered by AI, CRLT, and ITS every day.