Are you (or one of your colleagues) working on an instructional, research, or outreach project that would benefit from two intense days of collaboration with U-M Library specialists? Are you available to join us on May 7-8, 2020?
If your answer is yes and yes, we invite you to apply to U-M Library’s 2020 Scholar Sprints.
Scholar Sprints offer U-M faculty, instructors, graduate students, and fellows the opportunity to partner with a team of library experts on a component of a broader project. On May 7-8, each Sprint team will work together to address the applicant’s obstacle and deliver a tangible plan or outcome. Up to four Sprint projects will receive a $100/day award. Breakfast and lunch will be provided each day. Scholar Sprints are sponsored by U-M Library Connected Scholarship.
“We hope people share this information with professors and grad students they’re working with,” said assistant librarian Miranda Marraccini, who is involved with the effort. “We’re also happy to have volunteers! If any IT staff are available during those days and would like to work intensively with our teams, they should get it touch via the Scholar Sprints email.”
The deadline for 2020 Sprints applications is February 17. To learn more and apply, visit http://sprints.lib.umich.edu. Interested in a pre-application consultation? Contact sprints.lib@umich.edu.
Diana Perpich, Caitlin Pollock, and Miranda Marraccini contributed to this article.