From left, President Schlissel and ExamScan team members Victoria K. Green, Chris Mueller, Jeff Dils, MaryBeth Stuenkel, and Monika R. Dressler. (Scott C. Soderberg/Michigan Photography)
Congratulations to Jeff Dils, Victoria Green, Chris Mueller and MaryBeth Stuenkel (ITS), and Monika Dressler (LSA) for receiving the Presidential Staff Team Award for Innovation for ExamScan, a new service that digitizes hand-written and graded exams and makes it easier for instructors to return and review exams with students. ExamScan allows large classes to conduct literature-based, data-driven examinations — as opposed to multiple choice testing — efficiently and cost-effectively. The system was piloted in two chemistry classes in 2015 and has grown to 18 classes and about 9,000 students.
Updated 7/13/17: Read the ExamScan case study posted on the Box Community site.
Congratulations to the LSA & ITS team recognized for their work! I think I would have liked ExamScan when I was a grad student instructor …