Darrell Williams, ITS EAS

Darrell is a digital accessibility analyst with ITS Enterprise Application Services. You can reach him at willidar@umich.edu.

Author Archives: Darrell Williams, ITS EAS

DIY web accessibility testing tools & practices

By | November 28, 2018

You need not be an expert in digital or web accessibility to perform some low-threshold testing which will likely identify many high incidence issues in your EIT (electronic information technology). Technology requiring testing will include, but isn’t limited to, web apps, web pages, blog posts, etc. And remember the golden rule: A little testing throughout the process is… Read More »

Everyone has a role in accessibility. Here are some quick tips.

By | October 22, 2018

  Accessibility efforts are only successful at large institutions and organizations if the efforts being made are scalable; what this means in context is each individual must take ownership in their portion of responsibility to accomplish these goals. In an effort to educate about high-incidence accessibility issues and spread awareness of accessibility efforts, ITS has come up with Accessibility… Read More »