You know you should choose a secure U-M WiFi option or secure home wireless network whenever possible, but what if you find yourself stuck needing an internet connection and free public WiFi is all that’s available? Here are steps you can take to protect yourself and U-M.
Start by using a VPN.
Secure Your Internet Connection on the Safe Computing website includes best practices for securing your connection, and can help you find the appropriate VPN for your campus.
- MiWorkspace Windows Users: Direct Access protects many of your connections to U-M resources for remote work. You may still need to use the U-M VPN to connect to some resources and should still use a VPN to secure personal connections.
- MiWorkspace Mac Users: Your MiWorkspace Mac is configured to use the U-M VPN.
Be aware of what you share.
Pay attention to any information that free WiFi setup asks for. Don’t over-share personal information, and don’t save a free network for automatic connection later. Avoid doing important personal business like banking or shopping on free networks.
See Security Tips for Using Public WiFi on the Safe Computing website for more tips and links to helpful resources.