Greetings, everyone.
I am looking forward to this year’s Hacks with Friends event on June 2-3. It is a hybrid event with participation virtually and in person, so everyone can participate in the way they are most comfortable. Each year this event showcases the strength the Michigan IT community has in solving problems both large and small.
I am eager to see the creative and fun energy that inevitably results when we pull together our talented and inspiring community. I am especially looking forward to the hacks presented in the Mental Health and Well-Being category. This category was inspired by the Student Mental Health Committee, charged in 2020 by Provost Susan Collins and Vice President for Student Life Martino Harmon to review the mental health and well-being needs and resources on the Ann Arbor campus. As technologists, we can play an important role in helping students, faculty, and staff through challenges they face during their careers at U-M.
Last week, the Information Technology Council met to review the top strategic efforts and opportunities facing university technology in the near future. The IT Council is a cross section of the university, consisting of deans, faculty, students, and IT and administrative leaders, and the group is charged with advising me and university leadership on the strategic direction for the university’s shared technologies. We discussed the enterprise resource planning (ERP, better known at U-M as M-Pathways or PeopleSoft) modernization, the future of identity and access management, and data governance revitalization. I especially valued the breakout discussions about how ITS is doing and where we can improve by doing more or differently. I am grateful for their thoughtful feedback and advice.
I took this picture of this amazing sunset last month. I know a beautiful sunrise is not too far away when you see such a colorful sunset. As always, take breaks when you need them and make sure you are taking care of yourself. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I hope you are able to enjoy the fresh air. It is amazing how springtime can clear the mind and make room for new innovative ideas and new energy.

With gratitude,
Ravi Pendse PhD
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
University of Michigan