My name is Irene Knokh and I’m the EDUCAUSE ambassador for U-M. I will provide articles of interest, upcoming trends, and generally be your advocate for EDUCAUSE.
Learning better: How am I doing in class? What do I need to study?
In the blog “Show Students Their Data: Using Dashboards to Support Self-Regulated Learning,” Jennifer Love, Sean DeMonner and Stephanie Teasley, describe the student analytics dashboard designed at the University of Michigan. Students need more than access to all materials in a learning management system-they want the data to “talk to them” and to study efficiently.
This means that the learners are interacting with the data, seeing where they need to improve and concentrate learning, and seeing how they are doing in relation to their peers.
Many learning analytics (LA) dashboards on the market aren’t as tailored to the needs of the students. U-M teams strived to make a nuanced system that would support the students in becoming successful. My Learning Analytics (MyLA) is an open source system that pulls data from many sources, including Kaltura video.
Researchers at U-M collaborated with other groups at the university, including the School of Information, the School of Education, and ITS Teaching and Learning team. The goals were to include privacy, control, social comparison, better study habit development, and effectiveness.
Read more about the results, available visualizations, and current efforts to sustain MyLA.
Speaking of analytics
EDUCAUSE Why Analytics Is Your Superhero Showcase is definitely worth a look. Check out institutional analytics self assessment, the thoughts on analytics workforce, cross campus engagement, and AI bias and ethics cautions.
- Institutional Analytics Self Assessment
- Analytics Workforce
- AI Quickpoll report: AI use, lack of readiness for it, not fully understanding what AI does because it is embedded into the tools, and challenges with bias and privacy. Take a look at how it is or can be used currently (“Promising Practices” section).
- Analytics Workforce: Chief Data Officer in Higher Education Case Study
EDUCAUSE: Digital Transformation (DX)
Institutions are at different levels of readiness and interest. Covid-19 accelerated the move forward. Collaboration is the hardest thing-priorities changed. Look at the list from 2019 and 2021. Figure three is an overview of barriers (2019-2021). Smaller institutions may not have the resources to engage in DX as fully as large research entities.
The biggest challenge is “knowing thyself.” Where does your institution stand? Is there collaboration with other schools? Is it encouraged at different levels? Where does the leadership stand? Check out EDUCAUSE Digital Transformation toolkit.
Women in the IT Community of Practice members need your help!
EDUCAUSE is updating the DEI resources webpage and would appreciate your help in adding new resources. We’ve created a Google poll to collect resources: tinyurl.com/eduDEIresources.
Thank you, and “see you” next month!
If you have any questions about the content, tidbits you’d like to share, or anything EDUCAUSE related, email Irene Knokh, instructional design and technology consultant, Professional Development and Education for Nursing, or Chris Eagle, EDUCAUSE coordinator for U-M.