IT security is a shared responsibility and we all need to do our part. Check out this new video to learn about your shared responsibility to protect U-M computing resources and data:
IT Security—Our Shared Responsibility (2:07)
As part of the U-M community, you’re provided with access to a wide variety of computing resources—and sometimes to very sensitive data.
As is the case for all organizations, including universities, criminals and other threat actors target us with attempts to get access to U-M resources for their own malicious purposes. They send phishing emails and engage in other scams. They might try to access or steal sensitive information or disrupt university operations via ransomware and more.
While IT security professionals take the lead in defending U-M, they can’t do it all on their own. We all have an important role to play—a shared responsibility. Learn how you can do your part by following the advice in the new IT Security—Our Shared Responsibility video.