The Michigan IT Student Career Fair was a pilot recruitment event designed to target talented University of Michigan students for on-campus job opportunities in IT. This event was held on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, and supported the ITS Internship Program, LSA Technology Services, Ross IT, and Dental Informatics in hiring for their open positions.
Michigan IT chair Cathy Curly provided opening remarks in a welcome session and introduced students to the concept of Michigan IT as a community fostering professional growth and support. Thirty-eight registered participants had access to the available opportunities from each unit ahead of the event, and pre-selected informational sessions to learn more about each organization. In a post-event assessment, several students indicated they intend to apply for the positions they learned more about.
This spring, a determination will be made if Michigan IT will provide this opportunity to units next academic year. For more information or questions, please contact MichiganIT-StuCareerFair@umich.edu.