Are you interested in helping colleagues reach their professional goals, or striving towards professional goals of your own? If so, sign up to become a mentor or mentee in the 2021 Michigan IT Mentor Program.
The Michigan Mentor IT program empowers and enables Michigan IT professionals from all levels to connect and learn from others with similar interests or experiences related to their goals. This year’s program will be completely virtual.
The program is currently recruiting individuals to volunteer as mentors. The sign-up form for mentees will open in mid-January.
Program overview:
- Program officially kicks off on March 1, 2021
- Mentors and mentees commit to meeting at least once per month for 4 months
- Mentees set the meeting schedule
- Group mentoring is available, with 2-3 mentees per mentor
- Orientation, midpoint, and end-of-session events bring all of the program participants together
- Mentors and mentees can choose whether or not to continue their mentoring relationship after the four-month matching period ends
- Open to IT staff currently employed by the University of Michigan or Michigan Medicine
Read more about IT mentoring opportunities or visit the Michigan IT Mentor Program webpage for additional details.