Supporting student motivation and self-regulation through online tools has become more important than ever with the shift to remote learning for fall, and My Learning Analytics (MyLA) is ready to help.
Designed by U-M faculty Stephanie Teasley and Matt Kay from the School of Information and Stuart Karabenick from the School of Education, in collaboration with Information and Technology Services Teaching & Learning, MyLA is a set of learning analytics-based tools for students.
The tool set provides three visualizations to help students budget their time, set goals, track course information, and even monitor their activity compared to others in the class.
Surveys from the more than 2,500 undergraduate and graduate students who have MyLA available in one or more of their courses since fall 2018 found that 89 percent of students who use MyLA find it valuable to their course performance; 66 percent reported that it changed how they studied, their confidence in understanding material, and the way they planned their course activity.
“I am very excited that all instructors can now turn on MyLA for any of their courses,” said Stephanie Teasley, research professor and director of the Learning, Education & Design Lab. “In fact, 92 percent of student users have told us that they would like the dashboard to be turned on for all of their courses.”
MyLA is available in Canvas and can be activated in a course by faculty at any time. It may be most effective to activate it once students have received at least one grade for the course to ensure there is activity to populate the dashboard views and pique students’ interest.
“With so many students taking courses fully remotely this fall, it becomes more important than ever that we give them tools to be successful,” Teasley said.
Learn more about the benefits of MyLA for students and how to set up a Canvas course to work efficiently with MyLA.