We are pleased to announce that ServiceNow is on track to be upgraded to the New York version on October 12, 2019.
Much of the ServiceNow upgrade is expected to run during the early hours of Saturday, October 12, with Production Readiness Testing (PRT) to be completed prior to 10 a.m. While there technically will not be a complete outage, some features may not be usable and we expect system performance to be significantly impacted between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m., and suggest that users stay out of the system during these times.
This upgrade will result in a small number of visible changes for ServiceNow users along with behind-the-scenes improvements and fixes.
For a list of the changes and known issues, refer to our project webpage, where we also post announcements and status reports. If you have any questions, please email us at ITSServiceNowUpgrade@umich.edu.