At the beginning of this year, UM-Flint ITS began the process of migrating the campus to Google G Suite for Education from Microsoft Exchange/Outlook email and calendar services. Currently, all students and a majority of faculty and staff have been successfully migrated to Google. Remaining departments will continue to migrate up to the end of July.
ITS moved multiple departments each week, but chose to migrate all student accounts at one time to ensure a minimum interruption to services. On June 23, between the spring and summer semester, all student accounts were successfully migrated to Google. By working with departments individually, ITS was able to assist with the unique challenges and specific needs specific of different groups across campus.
“For the Google campus migration, our small team has been moving from department to department, working one-on-one with each department member to ensure their individual needs and concerns are met.” said Katelynn Slater, Google Guide supervisor. “We hope these efforts have helped our faculty and staff feel comfortable and confident moving forward with these changes. This project would not have been possible or nearly as successful without the great contributions from our Google Guides and the rest of the ITS team.”

For more info about the UM-Flint google transition, Visit Google.umflint.edu.