ITS has announced it is retiring Adobe CS6 products from its services (Campus Computing Sites, UMichITAM, and MiWorkspace) by August 1, 2019.
Adobe CS6 and older products are no longer supported by the vendor and can be a security vulnerability to the university computing environment. ITS recommends campus units transition to the Enterprise Term License Agreement (ETLA) — which is open for enrollment until August 2 — or the Value Incentive Program (VIP).
ITS Software Services (its.software@umich.edu) is available to consult with units to review these options and determine which is most appropriate and cost efficient.
How to enroll in the Adobe ETLA
ITS manages a campus agreement with Adobe that may offer your unit cost savings.
New to the Adobe ETLA? Express interest by submitting the Adobe ETLA New Partner Interest Form before Friday, August 2.
Already enrolled? Increase the number of Adobe Creative Cloud licenses in your ETLA commitment by submitting an Adobe ETLA order form before Friday, August 2.
How the change impacts MiWorkspace and Platform as a Service
MiWorkspace will no longer install Adobe Creative Suite (CS4, CS5, CS6) applications to new or rebuilt workstations after August 1, 2019. Units should consider joining the Adobe ETLA or purchasing Adobe VIP licenses for their Adobe software needs.
How the change impacts Campus Computing Sites
Includes Virtual Sites and AppsAnywhere Software Portal
Campus Computing Sites will replace Adobe CS6 apps with two options:
- Bring Your Own License — All Sites locations, as well as Virtual Sites, will have the Adobe Creative Cloud suite installed, but you must have your own subscription from Adobe in order to use it. Upon launch, the Adobe product will prompt you to log in with your Adobe or Enterprise ID.
- Creative Cloud in Select Locations — Select Sites locations will have an Adobe Creative Cloud shared device license installed. No Adobe subscription is required to use Creative Cloud on these workstations. These locations will be announced by August 1 on the Sites website.
How the change impacts UmichITAM
Adobe no longer offers concurrent licenses for their products which makes them incompatible with the UmichITAM consortium model. In lieu of CS6, UmichITAM will cover the Adobe Acrobat Pro DC FTE costs for participating departments upon request. Departments would be responsible for covering any Creative Cloud licenses needed.
For assistance or questions regarding Adobe licensing, please contact ITS Software Services at its.software@umich.edu.
For support with MiWorkspace, please contact the ITS Service Center.