Turn on device encryption to help secure personal and institutional data at home and at work. Encryption protects against unauthorized access to data if your device is lost or stolen. Encryption is:
- Required for any personal device you use to access U-M data classified as High.
https://www.safecomputing.umich.edu/protect-the-u/safely-use-sensitive-data/classification-levels - Recommended for any device you use to access or store U-M data classified as Moderate or Low.
- Recommended for your personal devices for your own protection.
Encrypt your personal devices
Encryption is turned on by default on some mobile devices, for example iOS devices, but not on all, such as Android devices, which do not always encrypt by default. It is best to check the settings on your specific device and ensure encryption is on. You can encrypt your personal Mac with its FileVault feature and your own Windows computer with BitLocker.
U-M computers and encryption
Your MiWorkspace laptop is encrypted for you, and Health Information Technology & Services (HITS) encrypts devices it manages for Michigan Medicine. If you have a university-managed device that is not encrypted, you can contact your IT support staff for help.
Portable drives and encryption
It is especially important to follow guidelines for encryption when storing data on thumb or jump drives, or other portable drives. You can purchase encrypted thumb drives at the U-M Computer Showcase.
Find out more about the requirements, recommendations, and how-tos of using encryption on Safe Computing: Encrypt Your Data and Devices.