A message from VPIT-CIO Ravi Pendse

By | February 1, 2019
A headshot of Ravi Pendse, U-M VPIT-CIO

Greetings, everyone! I hope you are having a great start to the new year. 2019 is going to be an outstanding year for technology at U-M.

This upcoming year, I look forward to working with the entire Michigan IT community to progress toward our vision to be a leader in the appropriate use of technology among our peers and beyond. Working together, we can collectively provide the cohesive digital experience our amazing university community needs to be the leaders and best in their fields.

In ITS, we are starting on this vision by focusing our work in the following areas:

  • Supporting data-informed decision making
  • Elevating the customer experience by providing proactive, laser focused customer service
  • Providing appropriate IT security and privacy in an open university society, while enabling innovation
  • Delivering intuitive research computing solutions
  • Building a world-class, transformational network and reliable administrative systems

When the Michigan IT community works together, we do outstanding things.

We can’t do it alone, and we need everyone’s help. When the Michigan IT community works together, we do outstanding things. The recent Duo two-factor authentication campaign is an excellent example of how collaboration across all units and levels can accomplish incredible work. A very sincere thank you to everyone who contributed and supported this effort. The university is more secure and stronger because of your tireless efforts.

Coming out of last month’s symposium events to honor Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I am inspired by how far our community has come in striving for diversity, equity, and inclusion, and humbled by the all of the hard work we have yet to accomplish together. As technologists, we play a unique role in how we can use and apply technology to make our digital resources more accessible and inclusive to our diverse university.

I love hearing from you, so please keep your ideas coming. I appreciate each one of you and am grateful for all that you do. Have an amazing year!

Best Regards,

Ravi Pendse PhD
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
University of Michigan