Tech Tip: helps pronounce words

" "Forvo is an online database of word pronunciations. Each word includes a playable audio file, so you can hear someone speak the selected word. In many instances, multiple recordings can account for regional dialect and pronunciation in different languages.

To access:

  1. Visit in your favorite web browser
  2. Type your word into the provided search box and press Enter/Return
  3. Select your word from the list
  4. Click any of the provided play () buttons to hear a pronunciation

A paid iPhone app is available, but the website also works correctly (for free!) on your mobile device. To learn more about Forvo, visit their About page.

Have a cool app, tool, or tech tip you’d like to share?  Contact Chase MastersPlease note that Tech Tips are personal recommendations and might not be officially endorsed or supported by U-M. 

Author: Chase Masters, University Library

Chase's role at the Taubman Health Sciences Library includes managing technology projects and resources, consulting with faculty to effectively incorporate technology into their curriculum, supervising staff, serving in the HS-STEM Administration Unit, and identifying and building partnerships with instructional technology units throughout the university community. You may reach him at