Duo can remember you for seven days

Now you can get the security benefits of two-factor for Weblogin with fewer login prompts. The Duo Remember Me time was extended from 12 hours to seven days on August 25.

Remember to select the checkbox if you want Duo to remember you. You’ll see the Remember Me checkbox when you log in to a U-M site or service requiring two-factor authentication via U-M Weblogin.

“The most effective way to protect the university from data breaches and disclosures is for as many members of the university community to use two-factor authentication as possible,” said Sol Bermann, university privacy officer and interim chief information security officer.

“We’ve been asking groups across the university about the barriers they see to using two-factor more widely and what changes would make them more likely to use it,” said DePriest Dockins, assistant director of identity and access management with Information and Technology Services (ITS). Many people suggested reducing the frequency of two-factor prompts.

“We listened, we weighed the balance between security and a longer login time, we looked at other universities, and we settled on increasing the time Duo remembers logins from 12 hours to seven days, explained Dockins. “We plan to keep listening and doing what we can to make two-factor more convenient while maintaining its security benefits.” Send your suggestions for improving use of Duo two-factor at U-M to duo-feedback@umich.edu.