(Copyright: University of Michigan)
The Cloud Infrastructure Transformation Program now has a new website—http://its.umich.edu/projects/cloud-program/ The website is designed to provide information to campus about the Cloud Program, the various projects that are currently running under the program, as well as provide the latest updates and news. The site offers information in six areas:
- Why Cloud?: U-M is expanding our use of cloud services. Learn more about what is driving this change.
- Program: Learn more about the activities, teams, projects, governance, roadmaps and status of the program.
- People: This section offers information on cloud training and workforce activities within the program.
- News & Updates: Keep up to date on the latest news from the Cloud Program, and check out our new blog “A View from the Clouds”.
- Technology: For our technical staff, learn more about the architecture of the Virtual Data Center, access documentation about accounts, networking, managed operating systems and other information from the technical team.
- Cloud @ U-M: Not everything cloud related will be aligned in the Cloud program, learn about other cloud services and efforts at the university.
If your school, college, or unit have cloud efforts going on, we would love to feature them on the Cloud @ U-M section of the website. Please contact us at cloud@umich.edu to add your information to the site.