(Copyright: tadamichi / 123RF Stock Photo)
ITS Information Quest is pleased to announce the formation of the M-Reports User Group. This group’s purpose will be to share information about upcoming changes in M-Reports and also to receive feedback about what could be improved. We will attempt to meeting every few months, while being sensitive to other BI User Groups and Communities of Practice meetings.
There are two ways to get information about meetings:
- We have created a joinable email group in M-Community: mreportsUG@umich.edu.
- In the U-M Analytics and Business Intelligence Google Community, there is now a topic area for MReports
We will post any subsequent announcements to both the email group and the MReports topic on the Google Community page. If you are interested in participating, please fill out the form to help us determine which times will best fit people’s schedules. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested.