ITS offers new features & discounts for AWS

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In the last few months Information & Technology Services (ITS) has announced several enhancements to its cloud offerings to the U-M campus. One of these enhancements was the execution of a new Enterprise Agreement and Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Amazon for AWS at U-M. With this agreement, faculty, researchers, and staff at all U-M campuses can now receive discounts for services purchased under our Enterprise Agreement with Amazon.

New features for AWS ITS accounts

In addition to the services you may have purchased directly from Amazon, ITS is providing additional functionality for the U-M community. These additional features include:

  • Shibboleth integration for account management
  • New reporting features, including listing AMI’s, public IPs, EC2 inventory, EC2 status checks, IA Security Policy Reporting, and VPN connection report
  • DNS recommendations
  • Network/VPC setup with optional VPN
  • Cloud Trail and VPC security log retained in Splunk

To take advantage of the discount select yes when asked “Would you like to be part of Consolidated Billing?” when signing up.

ITS is working with Michigan Medicine Compliance and Information Assurance (IA) on guidance to allow use of AWS at U-M cloud service for protected health information (regulated by HIPAA) and other sensitive institutional data. Until that work is complete and additional guidance is available, you should not use AWS to store protected health information. Check the AWS entry in the Sensitive Data Guide to see which sensitive data types are approved for use in AWS and which are not.

For more information on the discount being provided visit AWS at U-M, and go to the Rates and Billing page (U-M weblogin is required).

To learn how to transfer your account, or to purchase new services, visit  AWS at U-M or contact for assistance.