The future of learning

By | April 25, 2017

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Buckle up your backpack for a futuristic ride through U-M’s new world of cyber-learning.

Imagine being able to predict how students will perform in class and then helping them achieve more. Picture students learning policy development by acting as stakeholders in simulated political events. Envision an online platform that can mentor a whole new generation of civil rights leaders.

These are just a few of the educational tools coming out of U-M’s Office of Academic Innovation, a 3-year-old organization that is influencing the future of education with initiatives that have already reached 5.6 million learners around the globe.

Digital innovation has long been a Michigan forte, yet until the creation of this umbrella organization, there was no way to shepherd ideas across campus coherently. Now, through Academic Innovation, more than 150 faculty, some 50 student fellows, and 45 full-time staff are activating and fostering new ideas, using the entire university, and beyond, as its incubator.