More than 1,000 of the University of Michigan websites are protected with U-M Cloudflare, a significant milestone for the project implementation team.
Cloudflare provides a critical security capability to protect university websites, web applications, and DNS (Domain Name System) servers from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and break-in or takeover attempts. Work continues to get more sites behind the service.
The project team has been collaborating with information technology experts across U-M to ensure the security of our websites. In the last 30 days, U-M Cloudflare has handled nearly 770 million requests and denied almost 17 million potentially malicious requests.
“We’ve found U-M Cloudflare to be highly effective in mitigating distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and ensuring that our online resources remain accessible even during high traffic volumes,” said Asmat Noori, Interim Chief Information Security Officer and Executive Director of Information Assurance. “This combined with its web application firewall (WAF) features help protect against common cyber threats and allows us to provide impactful web security at scale.”
The level of protection U-M has now would not be possible without the collaboration and assistance from IT members in units across campus.
“It’s great to see the whole Michigan IT community working to utilize this technology which improves both customer experience and security,” said Martin Sager, Director of Systems Operations for ITS.
ITS is continuing work to get sites behind the service. If you would like to get more information about using U-M Cloudflare, visit the U-M Cloudflare service page.