My name is Irene Knokh and I’m the EDUCAUSE ambassador for U-M. I provide articles of interest, upcoming trends, and generally be your advocate for EDUCAUSE.
The EDUCAUSE Showcase is a series about everything from Digital Transformation (DX), to Cybersecurity to Engaging Students by Design. EDUCAUSE offers an in-depth exploration of pandemic and post-pandemic evolution of learning delivery. Explore the issues or take a look at the shorter introductions. I will continue to delve further into these topics on your behalf.
Top 10 IT Issues, 2022: The Higher Education We Deserve (Susan Grajek and the 2021–2022 EDUCAUSE IT Issues Panel)
We are not going back to Pre-COVID teaching. What can be done better? Leaders interviewed for the panel brought up many possibilities:
- Efficient technology use for service and learning delivery
- Strict cybersecurity protocols to serve students, faculty and staff (#1)
- Blended learning possibilities (“digital vs. brick and mortar #5”)
- Digitally prepared faculty (#3)
- Cloud practices and delivery (#8)
- Equitable technology access to reach all students (“scarcity to abundance #6”)
- “Evolve or become extinct!” Constant adaptability and learning are not easy-the pre-pandemic ways of running educational entities just no longer work (#2)
- Disaster preparation-lessons learned for the future (#9)
If the students are leaving—what would help them stay and complete their schooling successfully?
“Radical Creativity: Helping students prepare for the future by giving them tools and learning spaces that foster creative practices and collaborations” (#10)
Even with all institutional nuances, competition can get us only so far. Sharing and collaboration will produce best suggested practices helpful to learners at all levels.
Planning for the future
The latest EDUCAUSE showcase on future direction for Higher Education. How will learning delivery change? How will the roles of the learning support staff change? What are the priorities to stay on top of changes? Find out about work institutions are doing to concentrate on engaging students and creating up-to-date learning spaces.
The Impact of Learning Space Design on Learner Experience and Collaboration (Jodie Penrod)
Read the case study highlighting physician education at Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine to learn more about the design integration to serve students on different campuses (Dublin and Cleveland). There’s an emphasis on creating FLS (Future Learning Spaces) that should cover K-12 and higher education students’ needs. There are barriers such as navigating between the “constructivist student centered view” and “traditionalist teacher centric approach.” The college staff is working to help faculty and students create optimal learning experiences together-from technology mentoring to student engagement.
This is my third year as the U-M EDUCAUSE Ambassador, and the first year I began to write these newsletters. I started in February and officially began publishing them in April.
Thank you to Chris Eagle for encouraging me to write the newsletter (he keeps me on my toes!), Stephanie Dascola, Michigan IT News editor, for getting the publication posted each month, and to all of you—U-M IT readers. Without you—there is no newsletter. Thank you!
Happy Holidays!
“See” you in 2022!
If you have any questions about the content, tidbits you’d like to share, or anything EDUCAUSE related, email Irene Knokh, instructional design and technology consultant, Professional Development and Education for Nursing, or Chris Eagle, EDUCAUSE coordinator for U-M.