Throughout November and December 2020, HITS is partnering with LabArchives to offer unique Electronic Research Notebook (ERN) training opportunities to the U-M community.
Two types of training sessions will be offered. The first is an introductory session for researchers to provide basic and refresher information for new and current users. The second session is specifically for educators and instructors, offering a review of key features and time for personalized questions and guidance. Sign up below:
Introduction to LabArchives for Researchers at the University of Michigan
For new users that need help with the basics or current users that need a refresher on how to create notebooks, add and manage your data, notebook access controls, collaboration tools, and export options.
Register for the introductory ERN webinar for researchers held on Wednesdays at noon:
Introduction to LabArchives for Educators at the University of Michigan
This session is primarily for professors, instructors, teachers, students, and technology innovation staff at higher education institutes. In these personalized training webinars we highlight the key features relevant to your use in a research or teaching lab, provide tips on tailoring a notebook to your specific needs, plus time to ask questions in order to save you time and get started using the platform.
Register for the ERN educator sessions: