As the weather gets warmer for the summer season, this month’s Tech Tip will help you find more places to enjoy it! It is the park finder tool: an online resource that enables users to explore and discover the extensive network of parks and nature areas maintained by Ann Arbor’s Parks and Recreation department. You may search for parks by name or amenity, and the tool provides detailed information about each location, including its size, features, and history. It’s a valuable tool for planning visits, discovering new parks (there are over 159!), and staying informed about the city’s ongoing efforts to maintain and enhance its vibrant public green spaces.
Where are some local parks that you enjoy exploring? Do you use any tools to find your way around? Please share in the comments below!
Have a cool app, tool, or tech tip you’d like to share? Contact Chase Masters. Please note that Tech Tips are personal recommendations and might not be officially endorsed or supported by U-M.