Dear Colleagues,
I have been your EDUCAUSE ambassador for U-M and advocate for more four years-time flies! It has been a pleasure to provide articles of interest and upcoming trends in each newsletter.
I am taking a hiatus for a year—it’s been a joy to serve you in this role! Thank you! Irina
Key articles of interest:
EDUCAUSE Top 10 for 2024
2024 EDUCAUSE Top 10: Institutional Resilience
“The 2024 EDUCAUSE Top 10 describes the contributions that technology, data, and the workforce will play to advance three dimensions of institutional resilience: Mission Resilience, Operational Resilience, and Financial Resilience.”
Institutions of higher learning are facing everything from AI disruption, and enrollment cliffs to a lack of trust in higher education, along with student accessibility and costs. Colleges and universities can survive only if they work on streamlining student experience and workflow while hiring the best staff possible.
One of the biggest challenges is the lack of progression in staff roles—if the benefits of working in higher education environments aren’t presented well—or there’s no investment into staff growth and work-life flexibility, the best employees will go elsewhere, even if they are passionate about supporting higher education.
Institutions need to develop a proactive approach to changes and challenges, including cybersecurity concerns; collaborate with each other on optimal vendor choices for technology, and figure out how to balance the budget without losing staff, services, or students.
Challenges to tackle in 2024:
- Cybersecurity as a Core Competency
- Driving to Better Decisions
- The Enrollment Crisis
- Diving Deep into Data
- Administrative Cost Reduction
- Meeting Students Where They Are
- Hiring Resilience
- Financial keys to the future
- Balancing Budgets
- Adapting to the Future
The New EDUCAUSE Strategic Plan – John O’Brien, Educause President & CEO
“The strength of our community isn’t defining ourselves in a way that leaves people out; the strength of our community is the people that we include,” John O’Brien, EDUCAUSE president & CEO. Read all about the strategic inclusion of data discussion weaved through EDUCAUSE mission as well as institute offerings. Review the strategic priorities and the importance of everyone’s inclusion in this process.
“Our strategic vision for the next three to five years supports the core beliefs outlined in our mission and vision statements and is centered around developing, connecting, and empowering technology professionals of all types, from all backgrounds.” John O’Brien, EDUCAUSE president & CEO.
Take a look at the new Teaching and Learning Program | Resources and Events | EDUCAUSE including teaching and learning channels. Kathe Pelletier, EDUCAUSE director of Teaching and Learning Program, outlines the changes in this letter.
October 2023 was the Cybersecurity month; review the highlighted educational resources in the Privacy and Cybersecurity 101 | EDUCAUSE showcase.
10 Ways Technology Leaders Can Step Up and In to the Generative AI Discussion in Higher Ed | EDUCAUSE Review
- Offer Short Primers on Generative AI
- Explain How to Get Started
- Suggest Best Practices for Engaging with Generative AI
- Give Recommendations for Different Groups
- Recommend Tools
- Explain the Closed vs. Open-Source Divide
- Avoid Pitfalls
- Conduct Workshops and Events
- Spot the Fake
- Provide Proper Guidance on the Limitations of AI Detectors
Reminder: Bookmark your EDUCAUSE Launchpad for checking out top issues, trends, and technologies.
If you have any questions about the content, tidbits you’d like to share, or anything EDUCAUSE related, email Irina “Irene” Knokh, instructional design and technology consultant, Professional Development and Education for Nursing, or Chris Eagle, EDUCAUSE coordinator for U-M.