On June 20, STAC-Core reviewed and approved the STAC Charter FY24.
After serving as chair for one year and vice chair for one year, Cassandra Callaghan, chief information officer, School of Dentistry, passed the chair leadership position to vice chair Carrie Shumaker, Dearborn chief information officer. Cathy Curley, chief information officer, College of Literature, Science and the Arts, was elected as the new vice chair. Officer positions are held for one-year terms, with the vice chair assuming the role of the chair when the new vice chair is appointed.
Huan Yan, IT director, Law School, was elected at-large member (2-year term). Marcus Blough, chief information officer, Institute for Social Research, was elected to serve on the steering committee (2-year term).
Two members rolled off: Erin Dietrich, deputy chief information officer, U-M Medical School, after a 3-year term as steering committee member, and Nicki Trinka, Shared Service Center, after a 2-year term as an at-large member.
For more information, see the updated STAC Charter on the VPIT-CIO site including a membership list.