University of Michigan Information and Technology Services is excited to announce that we have successfully transitioned the Application Programming Interface (API) Directory service to a new platform, Google’s Apigee X, and new API development can now begin.
Apigee X is a high-performance API management product that provides an easy-to-use interface to make it easier than ever to develop and use APIs.
The U-M API Directory is an enterprise service that provides access to repositories containing institutional data from U-M’s teaching & learning, research, clinical care, public service, administration systems, and more. The self-service API Directory allows systems to communicate directly with each other to deliver data between the two efficiently, securely, and sustainably using a set of controls.
APIs have allowed more than 120 departments across U-M to pull real-time data into their reports and applications, and are used daily in services like Canvas, VaxViewer, TeamDynamix, and point of sale operations to add automations and reduce duplication of effort.
“The U-M API Directory enables much of what we do,” said Thomas Knox, manager of web applications for the College of Engineering, CAEN. “Nearly all our applications rely on it for safe access to data on course enrollments, room scheduling, HR appointments, finance, Canvas, and more. The change of platforms was a huge lift on a very short timeline, but ITS and the Michigan IT community came together to make it happen.”
This fall, ITS, along with Michigan IT partners, worked to migrate over 60 APIs or proxies to the new Apigee X platform and assisted units with migrating more than 260 applications. The platform is now available for new API development. The project team hopes you’ll check it out to see how your unit can benefit.
The portal is open to U-M students, faculty, and staff. Contact the API Team for more information.