Greetings, everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
The creativity and innovation on display at the Michigan IT Symposium last month was impressive. For the ninth year in a row, hundreds of community members gathered together in person and virtually to exchange new ideas, find inspiration, and celebrate our successes in supporting the university.
I encourage everyone to check out the posters and recorded presentations by our Michigan IT peers when they are available. As you reflect on your time spent at the symposium or as you view new sessions, I encourage you to reach out to one or two of the presenters to share your thoughts even if you do not have questions for them. Letting them know you learned something new or simply thanking them for sharing their work is a wonderful way to support your colleagues.
As I shared at the symposium, I am recovering from an injury to my elbow and have undergone three surgeries, with the most recent one only last week. Throughout the past five months since my accident, I have experienced so many amazing events. I have been so moved by caring colleagues from our community.
The importance of medical research that saves lives each day is incredible, and I am developing an enhanced appreciation for accessible technology. I am appreciative of the goodness that is all around us. Life is such a great teacher and I am trying to be a better student each day. I am grateful for your support and for the support you provide to our students, faculty, and staff. I would love to hear your “goodness” experiences.
As winter break quickly approaches and we start to wind down for the year, I would like to share this short video from ITS in celebration of the holiday season. I loved the video, and I hope it brightens your day.
I wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and healthy holiday season. Thank you for all that you do.
With gratitude,
Ravi Pendse PhD
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
University of Michigan