Dearborn’s Tech Tutor program aims to support student digital literacy

By | February 15, 2021
three students working on laptops
(Violet Dashi/U-M Dearborn News)

In February, UM-Dearborn announced that it will launch Tech Tutors — a new student worker-powered support service that’ll be managed by Talent Gateway Executive Director and librarian Laurie Sutch, who coordinated a similar tech program at UM-Ann Arbor. Tech Tutors is part of Dearborn’s Experience+ initiative which aims to unify the campus’s student cocurricular offerings.

“When we look at technology literacy, we know students face a huge range of challenges, and often their questions are very specific to a particular class or opportunity,” Sutch explains. “For example, a professor might assign a project that requires knowledge of a certain software program; or students might need help with a feature of Canvas they don’t understand. That’s the ‘sweet spot’ of support that we thought we needed to add to the mix — especially right now in this virtual learning environment, where we’re all being asked to learn new technologies quickly.”