U-M students create online resource for families to create art projects at home

By | February 12, 2021
artwork of dog in a field
An image created using the “Painting Minimalist Landscapes” project prompt on Art Connects Kids, a new website created by students at the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design. Example by Sofia Stark, “The Arb”, 2020, Acrylic on canvas paper.

During the fall semester, U-M students in Melanie Manos‘ Detroit Connections: In the Classroom course were faced with a challenging question: How could they connect kids with creative activities and art education while so many K-12 students were studying remotely? Under Manos’ guidance, the class addressed this question through Art Connects Kids, a website brimming with original, kid-friendly art projects for families to do together at home

Envisioned and documented by undergraduate students in the Detroit Connections class, the projects on the website encourage exploration across a wide range of media with the goal of inspiring kids and families to get creative together. The projects can be modified to suit all ages. “Students worked hard and managed their collaborative groups inventively,” said Manos, a lecturer at the Stamps School of Art & Design. “I was impressed.”