Flint Information Technology Services recently issued its annual report for FY20. (The entire report (PDF) is available online.) The report provides updates on the organization’s eight operational areas as well as bios of ITS professional staff. Below are highlights of the report:
ITS-Classroom Services: ITS-Classroom Services completed a number of upgrades across general classroom spaces. After the transition to remote learning and teaching, CS has further worked to support campus though increased virtual event support.
Desktop Computer Services: With Windows 7 officially retired, DCS Technicians successfully completed the migration and have been rolling out and configuring Windows 10 v1909 on all new equipment as the new standard operating system.
ITS-Helpdesk: The ITS-Helpdesk has continued to offer support to faculty, staff, and students, answering 9,663 phone calls, and supporting 4,710 individual lab visitors.
Network Engineers: Network Engineers continued support for the networking environment. They were also responsible for network installations and defining, documenting and enforcing system standards across the university campus.
Project Management: Project Management, in partnership with Facilities & Operations, UM-Ann Arbor Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC), and outside architectural design firms, continues in various stages of planning and execution of the Murchie Science Building addition along with a number of other major construction projects.
Software Development: The Software Development group completed a number of new projects this year including the new support.umflint.edu, my.umflint.edu, apply.umflint.edu, and events.umflint.edu.
Systems Administration: Systems administration completed a number of projects including changes to the student account creation process, and changes brought on by the shutdown of Microsoft Exchange on campus.
ITS-Training: In addition to normal campus wide training efforts, ITS-Training continued to train and consult with university department admins, deans, chairs, faculty and staff to ensure that they are comfortable and productive in the G Suite for Education environment.