Anthony Waas awarded ASME Warner T. Koiter medal

By | June 19, 2020
(Tony Waas smiling.)
Tony Waas, AERO department chair, at the AERO Centennial Celebration gala dinner at the Yankee Air Museum. (Courtesy of the Aerospace Engineering Department.)

Aerospace Department Chair Anthony Waas was awarded the American Society of Engineers Warner T Koiter Medal. 

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Warner T. Koiter Medal recognizes distinguished contributions to the field of solid mechanics with an emphasis on the effective blending of theoretical and applied elements and a high degree of leadership in the international solid mechanics community.

Waas received the honor “for outstanding contributions to the mechanics of composite materials, particularly analytical work, experiments and predictive modeling of compressive response and failure of composite structures; and for the development of computational tools for progressive damage and failure analysis of composite structures.”

Author: News Staff

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