On June 13, 2019, more than 300 people came together at the Biomedical Research Core Facilities Genomics Showcase to learn more about the rapidly evolving technologies, applications, and platforms available in the genomics space. Cores are centralized facilities or labs that offer shared services, shared equipment, resources, and expertise to biomedical researchers and investigators on a fee-for-service basis.
Health Information Technology and Services (HITS) explained how to best leverage IT in research. Staff members from the HITS Research Engagement team talked about services like the Electronic Research Notebook and the Research Computing Package that help streamline processes and reduce costs for researchers.
“I’m a researcher at heart, and I love networking at these events. It helps me get a holistic picture of what our researchers are doing. Most researchers don’t need our services until after their data is generated, so we don’t always get to hear about that side of the experiments. I like to understand how the data is generated,” said Debra McCaffrey, HITS research liaison.