Three of the five faculty projects honored with the 11th annual Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize involved technical solutions as part of their innovative approaches to improving student learning.
- Problem Roulette: A Stress-free Practice Zone for Student Learning: This online tool provides students with practice questions from previous exams to help them prepare for future assessments. It also allows students to see responses from classmates, and provides a space where students can study without worrying about being graded.
- Supporting Engaged Teaching and Learning Through ViewPoint Simulation Software: ViewPoint is cloud-based software that allows instructors to create custom simulations tailored to their classes and that can be built from scratch or from templates.
- M-Write: Writing to Learn in Large Introductory Courses Across Campus: M-Write uses writing prompts, automated peer review, natural language processing, and personalized feedback to create a digital infrastructure for writing at scale. (Learn more about the development of M-Write.)